Hours of operation 

We have two shopping seasons - qualifying families K-12th grade can fill out an Intake Form once each season and Birth-4T click Tiny Tots Link to schedule an appointment (no qualifications needed)

Fall/Winter (September - January) 

Spring (mid-March - May)

Our holiday schedule - 2024/2025:

Closed the week of Thanksgiving

Closed the last two weeks of December and the first week of January

Closed 1/31 - 3/17

Closed spring break 4/4 - 4/14

Closed summer break 5/28 - 8/20

** Closed during weather related school closures **

For information on Birth-4 email tinytots@kids-kloset.org or click on the Tiny Tots link

For information on K-12 email info@kids-kloset.org or click on the Kids' Kloset link